Resist Recycle Regenerate Fellowship Application Open

Amplifying WOW Project NYC’s open call for their arts and activism youth program Resist Recycle Regenerate! Apply by September 13, 2024 at this link.
Feel free to email with any questions or concerns!

“Who are we looking for?
* Connection to Chinatown
* 15–20 years old
* Interested in art-making
* Identifies as Asian/American and/or of Chinese diaspora
* NYC-based (can come to Chinatown every week!)
* Can commit to weekly sessions for the whole year (Sep 2024-June 2025)
* Queer, trans, nonbinary youth and young women
* Interested in learning about the arts and developing leadership skills to promote community activism and empowerment!

About RRR Fellowship
RRR’s youth mentorship program promotes young women and queer, trans, and nonbinary youth as leaders and role models to inspire growth and leadership development in their peers through art-making. Former fellows can become program leaders, mentoring and guiding the next cohort of younger fellows.”


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